Hi Everyone! My name is Lisa and I am the owner of Plant Life Home & Beauty. I began this remarkable adventure of plant life early in 2021. Now, I have always been very mindful of what goes in my body and on my skin, but had not actually taken the leap to a fully plant based diet. Has it been easy? I can honestly say that I have not had a hard time with it, as I have never been a real big meat eater. My love for all animals was a significant reason for incorporating a plant based diet. Keeping new menu items has been the hardest thing to overcome and also making sure that I have enough protein.  I constantly search Pinterest for new menu ideas. Not only have I incorporated plant based diet into my eating schedule, I have also included it into my skin regimen routine. My husband has been so helpful along they way and he has also joined the plant based diet as well. He could give up all meat, except for seafood. Next stop....Vegan! Stay tuned, I’ll post more here on our journey to a fully vegan diet.

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